Church of Spiritual Technology CST
Church of Spiritual Technology or CST in short is the part of Scientology that owns the rights to the works of L Ron Hubbard. It also have one of the secret bases in twin peaks where the leader David Miscavige might have his wife Shelley Miscavige, since long missing in the public life...
Church of Spiritual Technology CST Maps and oversight

Church of Spiritual Technology CST Trademark Serial Number: 74488000.
Very similar to the next Trademark so you can bet this action was important to a little boy growing up in Montana when his poor father was really poor and then L Ron Hubbard might have had all the reasons in the wild west to pretend he was the richest boy in his fantasy (in the time of his fathers bankruptcy)
US Registration Number:1876616
Church of Spiritual Technology CST Trademark Serial Number: 74488000. 71 pages fact pdf 2,7 Mb.

Church of Spiritual Technology trademarks Serial Number: 75497015
So important it seems that two very similar trademarks
US Registration Number: 2611080
71 page pdf 2.1 MB

Church of Spiritual Technology trademarks The Way to Happiness pdf 61 pages 2 Mb
US Serial Number: 75601077
US Registration Number: 2380572
Maybe L Ron Hubbard thought that becoming rich was the only was to happiness.
But also knowing that selling what everyone just dream't about was a part of the road.
Books, booklets, printed instructional materials and newsletters pertaining to a non-religious personal moral code
Church of Spiritual Technology trademarks

Church of Spiritual Technology trademarks 1954851
Registered on Tuesday, February 6, 1996 and is currently owned by Church of Spiritual Technology under the registration number 1954851.
Prerecorded Video Cassettes Featuring Instruction and Education in the Field of Moral Philosophy Goods & Services.
Pins and Pendants Both Being Jewelry Goods & Services,
Books and Newsletters Featuring Instruction, Education and Articles in the Field of Moral Philosophy.

Church of Spiritual Technology trademarks 2905494
Description of Mark The mark consists of a medallion design with a quill pen overlying the medallion design. Goods & Services Course Books Relating to Science Fiction Writing and Illustration Goods & Services Educational Services, Namely, Individual Training, Classes, and Seminars Relating to Science Fiction Writing and illustration.
Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.
Church of Spiritual Technology US Serial Number: 73703450 pdf 84 pages 4 Mb.
US RegistrationNumber:1505842
Writers of the Future was registered on Tuesday, September 27, 1988 and is currently owned by Church of Spiritual Technology under the registration number 1505842 .
Annual Series of Books Composed of Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Stories
Previously owned by: L. Ron Hubbard Estate of Hollywood, CA

L Ron Hubbard Gallery Church of Spiritual Technology trademarks 1618094 66 pages Pdf 2.8 Mb US Registration Number:1618094
L.Ron Hubbard Gallery was registered on Tuesday, October 16, 1990 and is currently owned by Church of Spiritual Technology under the registration number 1618094 . This mark is dead with a status of Cancelled - Section 8. The last case file activity for this mark occurred 2 years ago on Friday, January 15, 2016, according to the United State Patent & Trademark Office Word Mark
Retail Store Services Specializing in Limited Edition Books and Art Prints and Mail Order Services in the Field of Limited Edition Books and Art Prints
L.Ron Hubbard Gallery Status Dead Registered 710 — Cancelled -
Current Owner Church of Spiritual Technology of Hollywood, CA
Previous Owners Trustee of Author's Family Trust-B of Los Angeles
The Name "L. Ron Hubbard" in the Drawing Refers to a Deceased Individual.